Hello, I’m Yee Loong

While I’ve never built a plane that flew and has never gone to the moon (or mars). I’ve so far spent time helping robots escape a maze, operated an armoured tank that helps build bridges across gaps, travelled halfway around the world from Singapore to Vancouver, and went on to major in aerospace engineering only to find myself in design school doing interaction design. I’ve worked at tech companies of all sizes and spent more than half a decade solving problems of varying complexities. The recent few years have seen me working to scale products and services in the internal communication spaces.

What next?

Not all hard things are worth doing, but the things worth doing are usually hard. So I’m looking to spend the next part of my career working on problem spaces that have a direct positive impact (think climate change, education & autonomous vehicle) not only on the people now but as well for those that have yet to come.

If you are interested in what I do, need to get in touch, or simply to chat over coffee, you can find me on linkedin or shoot me an email :O).

Thanks for stopping by.